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The Healer Herb Thyme – Benefits, Uses, and side effects

benefits of thyme and its uses

Thyme is a Mediterranean herb whose flower, leaves, and oil find various dietary, medicinal, and ornamental uses. Thyme is of the genus Thymus. Its most common variety is Thymus vulgaris, which has many medicinal properties. Thyme is a native of Southern Europe. Thyme is known as ‘Banajwain’ in Hindi.

Thyme is known as a woody, evergreen, perennial plant with aromatic properties as it has a short lifespan. It is cultivated in the spring season with well-drained soil. Propagation of the Thyme plant can be done through seeds and nodes. Thyme bushes are small and easy to look after. They grow to about 25cm–30cm. In India, it is widely found in the western Himalayas and the Nilgiris.

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There are also some great and interesting historical facts about Thyme. The Father of Western Medicine, The Hippocrates, recommended thyme for respiratory diseases. Thyme was also used as an embalming fluid by ancient Egyptians. In Italy, Thyme found its usage as a flavoring agent in alcoholic beverages by the Romans. In Greece, Thyme was used in bath waters and in temples as incense sticks.

Thyme and its forms:

Thyme is used to manufacture Thyme essential oil, thyme tea, thyme tincture, and thyme carrier oils. Fresh leaves of thyme are sprinkled upon salads, eggs, meat, etc as dressing.

1. Thyme Essential Oil-

Thyme essential oils have antiseptic, antiviral, antirheumatic, antiparasitic, and antifungal properties. Oil extracted from thyme contains about 20% – 60% thymol, the most valuable substance for medicinal purposes. The most common thyme oil is red thyme oil and colorless thyme oil. The red thyme oil is known as Origanum.

2. Thyme Tea-

Thyme tea is made by brewing the leaves of thyme plant. Water is boiled and the leaves are added afterward.

Thyme tea is abundant in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Thyme tea promotes a healthy body and is caffeine-free. Drinking thyme tea every day lowers the viral load in the body, thus, helping in the treatment of fibromyalgia.

Research on Thyme:

A study at Chungbuk National University in South Korea found that Thyme is capable of killing the tiger mosquito, found in tropical areas of Southeast Asia.

Researchers at the University of Belgrade, Serbia, stated that Thyme can be used to treat high blood pressure and hypertension.

A study carried out in Lisbon and Turkey showed that Thyme extract is capable of protecting people from colon cancer and controlling the activity of breast cancer cells. This was one of the best researches done on Thyme.

A team at Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, carried out a study and noted that 66.5% of people with eczema experienced complete healing after using an antifungal cream containing thyme oil extracts.

Benefits of Thyme

There are many more benefits of Thyme herb than you can think of, especially health benefits. You will amuse with the healing power of this tiny herb.

Thyme for skin:

Thyme Oil has antifungal and antiseptic properties that helps in treating many skin issues. Below is the list of benefits of thyme for skin:

1. Treats Acne and Scars

Blending organic thyme herb or its oil with sea buckthorn berry, chamomile, and tea tree oil creates a potion that treats acne by keeping acne-causing bacteria away. It also heals sores, wounds, scars, and burns. Therefore, Thyme is good for acne.

Thyme leaves can be boiled in water for about 15-20 minutes and then cooled off. This water can be dabbed on the skin using a cotton ball to remove dirt, oil, and bacteria from the skin, thereby, preventing acne.

A test was carried out in Leeds, England where the effects of thyme tincture on Propionibacterium acnes, the acne causing bacteria, were studied. It was found that thyme gave better results and fewer side effects than benzoyl peroxide, which is present in most anti-acne creams.

2. Healthy and Glowing skin

Thyme is extremely rich in antioxidants. So, it can slow down the aging process and give you healthy and glowing skin. Nutrients like zinc and vitamin B complex, which are present in thyme, also play a significant role in maintaining the health of our skin.

3. Helps in Skin Burns

Thyme oil acts as a natural remedy to heal rashes, burns, and scars.

Thyme for Hair:

Not only does thyme do wonders to our skin, when combined with other herbs, it also cures hair loss. Thyme oil helps in speeding up hair growth by both stimulating the scalp and actively preventing hair loss. You can mix a few drops of thyme oil into your shampoo or conditioner, and use it. Make sure it’s massaged into your scalp

1. Anti-dandruff Property

Thyme tea is one of the most effective anti-dandruff medium.

2. Helps in Hair growth

It improves hair growth by 44% in 7 months.  

3. Reduce Greying of hair

It also reduces greying of hair, dryness of hair, split ends, hair thinning, etc.

Health Benefits of Thyme

1. Promotes lung health

Thyme essential oil, obtained from its leaves, is often used to cure a cough and other symptoms of acute bronchitis. It promotes normal lung health.

2. Improves immune system

Thyme is rich in vitamin A and vitamin C and hence, helps in building up our immune system.

3. Reduces the risk of bone disorders

It is also a great source of copper, iron, fiber, vitamin B6, calcium, and manganese. So, it promotes bone development and reduces the risk of bone disorders.

4. Lowers cholesterol levels

A species of Thyme found in Pakistan and Afghanistan, known as Thymus linearis Benth, is capable of reducing heart rate and lowering cholesterol levels.

5. Lowers blood pressure

Thyme oil helps the body to get rid of toxins, excess water, and salts by increasing urination. This lowers blood pressure and also supports weight loss.

6. Improves Oral Health

Thyme essential oil protects our mouth from certain harmful microorganisms which can create cavities in our teeth. It helps us get rid of bad breath and gingivitis as well.

7. Anti-inflammatory properties

Thyme also contains anti-inflammatory properties which help prevent inflammation in our body and supports healthy cardiovascular functioning.

8. Promotes digestion and gastrointestinal health

Thyme tea promotes better digestion and gastrointestinal health as it has many antibiotic properties.

9. Excellent calming effects

Thyme tea and thyme oil have excellent calming effects. It induces sound sleep in children as well as adults.

10. Gives relief from menstrual cramps

It is also capable of providing relief from menstrual cramps.

11. Helps in fighting exhaustion, anemia, and fatigue

Iron produces red blood cells in our body which, in turn, gives us energy. Thyme contains a large concentration of iron, due to which this herb helps us fight exhaustion, anemia, and fatigue.

12. Improves eyesight

Thyme is rich in vitamin A as well, which improves our eyesight and prevents eye diseases.

13. Helps in neurological disorder

It improves the symptoms of Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) or Dyspraxia in children, which is a neurological disorder related to movement.

14. Treats vaginal yeast infection

The vaginal yeast infection called ‘thrush’, caused by the fungus Candida albicans, can be treated by the essential oil of thyme.

Also, read Health Benefits of Flaxseed

Other Uses of Thyme:

Side effects of Thyme:

Unfortunately, the Wonder Herb also has its side effects.

But, the benefits of Thyme overpower all the side effects. Apart from having a dozen of household uses, such as keeping moths from linens and beetles from the garden away, and its use in soaps, cosmetics, and perfumes; it won’t be an overstatement to say that Thyme heals all wounds.   

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It’s antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic qualities give way to its name – ‘The Healer Herb‘.

What is thyme herb used for?

Thyme has many health benefits. It is used to treat many skin issues as well as hair problems. Thyme is also used in many savory dishes braised or roasted meat, vegetables, or fish. It can also be used to add fragrance and flavor to soups and stocks, and cocktail elements.

Can you drink thyme tea everyday?

Fresh and dried thyme is consider safe to drink as a refreshing tea but thyme essential oil is highly concentrated and can be toxic in their undiluted form.

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