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How to Tie a Tie – 6 Simple Styles

How to Tie a Tie

Tie a tie is also an art in itself. Tie is one of the most important parts of formal attire. According to a survey, 70 percent of the population still does not know how to tie a tie.

There lot many ways to tie your tie so I am going to tell you few unique and easy ways to “tie a tie”. You can follow the step and learn the best ways to tie a tie knot.

So let’s start

Different ways to tie a tie 

1. Four in Hand knot

It is one of the most common ways to tie a knot. It is also known as “schoolboy” knot. If your tie is made up of heavy fabric, this knot is perfect for your tie.


  1. Wrap the tie around your neck. Below the narrow end of the tie, the wide end should extend about 12 inches.
  2. Turn the wide end below the narrow end.
  3. By bringing the wider end across the front of the narrow end again and continue wrapping the wide end around the narrow end.
  4. Through the back of the loop pull the wide end up.
  5. Through the front end bring the wide end down while holding the narrow end.
  6. Carefully tight the knot by holding the narrow end and slide the knot up.
  7. Centre the knot

2. Full Windsor knot

For more formal attire this Full Windsor knot can be a perfect choice. It is best worn on wider collar.


  1. Drape the tie around your neck and cross the wider part of the tie over the narrow end; start to bring it up through the hole between collar and tie.
  2. Pull the wide end down towards the front after bringing it up through the hole.
  3. Behind narrow end bring the wider end to the right and then pull the wide end back through the loop again.
  4. Pull wide end from right to left and wrap it around the triangle.
  5. Third time bring the wide end through the loop and pull it through the knot in front.
  6. Tighten the knot and centre it with both hands.

3. Shelby knot

Image source: hespokestyle

It was popularized by anchor Don Shelby in the 1970, this type of knot is best for heavy and wider ties.

  1. Drape the tie inside out around your neck, wide on the right.
  2. Bring the wide end under the narrow end.
  3. Bring the wide end up and pull it down through the loop between your neck and tie.
  4. Bring the wide end over the knot to the right.
  5. Through the loop between your neck and your tie pull the wide end up.
  6. Thread the wide end through the knot and pull tight.

4. Simple Necktie knot

It is one of the simplest types of knot which is easy to learn.  Try your hand on this when you are short of time.


  1. Drape the tie inside out around your neck, with wide end longer and your left.
  2. Under the smaller end wide end goes to the right.
  3. Bring it back to the left over small end.
  4. Bring the wide end up from the neck loop.
  5. Carry the wide end back down from the knot you made in front.
  6. Tight and slight up the knot to adjust.

5. Victoria knot

Image Source: howtotieatie

This knot is very uncommon among the collar people and is very easy to tie.


  1. Wrap the neck tie around your collar with seam in upward position and the thick end around your left for 2-3 inches as per your final desired position.
  2. Cross the thick end of the tie in front of the narrow end and then behind it.
  3. Pass the thick end across the front from left to right.
  4. Now pass the thick end from right to left behind the knot.
  5. Bring the thick end across the front for third time and slip a finger under the horizontal band.
  6. Insert the thick end from the loop around the collar, coming from underneath.
  7. Pass the thick end through the horizontal band.
  8. Adjust the thick end into the place and by holding onto the knot with one hand and pulling gently on the narrow end with the other hand.

6. Café Knot

It is a medium size knot and difficult to tie and is not very common. 


  1. Wrap the tie around your collar with the seam facing inwards and thick end on your right, about a half an inch lower than you want to hang it
  2. Form an X by crossing thin end over the thick end, Bring the thin end through the loop.
  3. Flip the thin end over the top on knot.
  4. From left to right bring the thin end behind the knot.
  5. After this bring the thin end across the front from left to right.
  6. Bring the thin end behind the knot and through the loop around the neck leaving the horizontal band across front knot.
  7. Flip the thin end over the front of the knot so that it hangs down.
  8. Bring thin end to the left of thick end, then fold it around behind the knot.
  9. Bring the thin end infront of the knot such that tip is in the upward direction towards your left shoulder.
  10. Tuck the thin end from the loop around the collar, behind the rest of the knot.
  11. Tug the thin end down firmly and take a rearrange the centre of the knot. Raise the diagonal legs to rise at the same angle which are meeting squarely under the chin.
  12. Flip the thick end forward and up.
  13. Turn the thin end point upside and slip it through the horizontal loop across the back of knot.
  14.  Pull the thin end through the loop and snug it tight.
  15. Tight the knot carefully by holding it from one hand while tugging the thicker end from the other.

So these were some different ways to tie a tie, there are lot many other interesting techniques as well but before learning those techniques try your hand on the above-mentioned techniques.

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