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How to Manifest Anything You Really Want in Your Life

How to manifest anything

All that you see and feel in the world was first created in the human mind then it got manifested in the world. Yes!! I think everyone agrees with me about this. Whether it is wonderful creations or horrible things on the planet, both have come from the human mind. Human is the creator of this beautiful green earth as well as the earth full of pollutions and garbage. Therefore, it is extremely important that first of all, we create the right things in our minds.

You may be familiar with the Law of Attraction or manifestation if you have read the bestselling book, The Secret. This book is based on telling you how to manifest anything you want in your life. I wrote this article to explain even though manifesting is about making your dreams and desire into reality, it also requires you to take proactive and right steps towards your desire.

But first of all we have to understand what is the meaning of manifest.

What is manifestation exactly?

Manifestation is to make your dreams and desires a reality through the law of attraction and belief. If you have a strong desire and strong beliefs then anything will come to you. Make your intention as specific as possible and work toward it via your thoughts, actions, beliefs, and emotions. Manifestation is more than willpower and positive thinking.

Many people ask about how to manifest something overnight. Well, you shouldn’t expect anything you desire to happen instantly or overnight while you sleep. There is a price to pay for everything you gain and here it is time and hard work. In order to manifest anything whether, it is money, relationship, or promotion, you must have a strong desire and strong beliefs to back it up.

Another important point to consider during manifestation is the misalignment of thoughts and desires. If you want something badly and thinking about manifest then never think about anything negative like I am not worthy, I can’t do it, I will never get that or any other negative thoughts.

Every day is a new day. Get evolve and learn something new. Many of us are afraid of failure. Faliure is your freind, philospher and your guide. Encourage yourself and learn from failure. All you need to do is to commit yourself to create what you want and for a committed person, there are no such things called failure. If you fall down a hundred times there are a hundred lessons to learned.

If you organize all your four dimensions; your physical body, your mind, your emotions, and your energy in one direction, anything you wish can happen. You just have to waver in that one direction and have strong control over your mind. Never change your mind every now and then. This will distract you from what you desire.

There are numbers of reasons why most people get stuck while manifesting and the most important one is that they don’t know about every important step to manifest. Here are the seven steps to manifest anything you want – including love and money.

7 Steps to Manifest Anything You Want

How to Manifest Something You Want

These are the important step-by-step manifestation process to manifest what you want and how to co-create with the universe. The law of attraction works for all desires- money, love, a slim body, happiness, good grades, success, job interview, a beautiful house, or anything you want.

Step 1: Get clear about your goals.

Before working on your manifestation you need to know exactly what you want. If you don’t know what exactly you want or desire, you can’t work to make it happen.

Create a list of 10-20 things you want to manifest on a paper. Get very specific about what you want and list the attributes in the positive. You must get very clear on the specifics. For example, I want a car. This is not the right goal. The right goal is I want a top variant Land Rover Discovery Sport R-Dynamic SE car by the end of this year.

It’s not wrong to change your goals. You can change your goals and never judge yourself on that.

Step 2: Ask the universe.

 When you exactly know what your hopes, dreams, and goals are, you need to ask the universe for what you want. This is like amplifying a signal to the universe about your desires. There are a lot of ways to ask the universe such as prayer, meditation, visualization, and writing a letter. You can also create a vision board where you can visually represent your goals.

When you are clear on what you want to manifest, then only the universe can help you. Well, it’s not necessary to ask the universe. If you don’t ask, it will still try to help you.

Step 3. Start working towards your goals.

Manifestation is not magic. It is an art of co-creating with the universe. You can’t just desire, ask the universe, sit back and just watch things get to happen. You have to set your intention, believe that it will become a reality, and then take necessary steps towards your goal to make it a reality. This increases your chances of receiving what you want. This is the key to success with manifestation and it’s not something that happens overnight.

Step 4: Trust the process.

As we said earlier, manifest is not something that happens very quickly or overnight. It may leads to many questions if manifesting actually works or can you trust the manifesting process. This might discourage and frustrate you but you have to trust the process.

You have to understand failure is a part of process. Encourage yourself and learn from your failure. Commit yourself to create what you want and for a committed person, there are no such things called failure. If you fall down a hundred times while achieving your goal, there are a hundred lessons to learned from it.

Always tell yourself “I’m getting closer and closer to my goals every day. Universe is with me and I am full for positive energy.”

Step 5: Always thankful for what you receive.

The universe is always helping you by giving you signs no matter how big or small they may be. But it is easy to miss the signs especially when they come in unexpected ways.

You can start writing in a diary about what happened to you that brings you one step closer to your goal. It may be an inspirational quote speaking to you via social media or a call from anyone. You can also write down a few things for which you are grateful.

Step 6: Keep Your Vibration High.

According to the Law of Attraction, you attract thoughts that you are sending out. Positive thoughts bring positive results into your life. It is based on what you believe as positive thoughts are a form of energy that attracts success in all areas of life, including health, finances, and relationships.

You can keep your vibrations high by spending 10-15 minutes daily (at least) doing something that makes you feel happy. It can be watching good movies, watching a YouTube video, or meditating.

Step 7: Clear any resistance and limiting beliefs.

You need to remove any kinds of obstacles or limiting beliefs that cloud your vision. Fear, negative self-talk, Doubts, pain, procrastination, frustrations, anxiety, regrets, and resentments are all forms of resistance that keep you away from what you want in your life.

This can happen to anyone and it is totally normal. Just take a deep breath and relax. Fill your mind with positive thoughts, do meditation and remember all the steps of manifestation.

“If you commit yourself like this, to creating what you really care for, now your mind gets organized. Once your mind gets organizes the way you think is the way you feel- your emotion will get organized. Once your thought and emotion get organized, your energies will get organized in the same direction. Once your thought, emotions, and energies are organized, your very body will get organized. Once all these four will organize in one direction your ability to create and manifest what you want is phenomenal. You are the creator in many ways. ”

This is how Sadhguru tells to take charge of our destiny by aligning our thought, emotions and energies to manifest what we really want.

Manifesting your desires is 100 percent possible but you must follow all the 7 steps to Manifest Anything You Want:

  1. Get clear about your goals.
  2. Ask the universe for it.
  3. Start working towards your goal.
  4. Trust the process.
  5. Always thankful for what you receive.
  6. Increase your vibration.
  7. Clear any resistance and limiting beliefs.

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These are the 7 steps to manifest something you want in your life including love, money, happiness, a successful job interview, good grades in exams, and even weight loss. If you are determined then no one can stop you from getting what you want. Every day, evolve yourself and learn something new.

Love yourself and stay focused.

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