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How to Lose Belly Fat Naturally – A Complete Guide

how to lose belly fat naturally

I came across an article that said “Science is showing that how you feel isn’t just about what you eat or do or think. It’s about what you believe.” and I could not disagree with a word written there. Undoubtedly the power lies within us. Being a fitness enthusiast myself, I completely understand the value of healthy living and body fitness. Fitness is not a legacy that you can pass from one generation to another. You do it solely for yourself. And honestly, there is no such set of rules. Only you have to visualize your goal and put endless efforts to achieve it.

Belly fat is one of the worst nightmares for most women today. Outgrowing clothes, improper postures or tightening the stomach while getting clicked! We all want to be healthy and fit with a flat belly. Belly fat is the visceral fat that is underneath the muscles in our stomach. Visceral fat remains and has negative long-term effects. The metabolism is reduced by visceral fat and it behaves in the body differently than other fats.

There can be health problems due to belly fat since they affect anyone especially women’s hormonal and nutrient cycles. Belly fat is linked to weakened bones, high blood pressure, inflammation, cardiovascular issues, makes one prone to heart attacks, certain types of cancer and higher mortality rates. It is a priority for all women as well as men to lose belly fat to live a healthy life.

It is somehow mandatory to be stubborn when it comes to achieving the goal you’ve set for your body. But in the process, you must not be hard on yourself. No matter how much we try, there are times when we fail to get the optimum result. Soon it starts bothering us and distracting us. At that point in time, we must understand the minute details and put maximum effort.

Table of contents:

how to lose belly fat
  • What Causes Belly Fat and How to Avoid that
  • How to Get Rid of Belly Fat Naturally
  • Workouts to Lose Belly Fat
  • Foods That Burn Belly Fat

Before discussing further, Let’s discuss fat and its type. Fats play an important part in maintaining our body functions. There are both good and bad fats. Unsaturated fats, when taken in moderation are good for health but saturated fats don’t provide enough healthy components. People get lower belly fats for various reasons. The major ones being an unhealthy lifestyle, lack of regular exercise, improper diet, the age factor. Genetics and hormones also have their share. More or less, cutting the long story short, our body is a temple that needs our devotion. It is our duty to take proper care of it.

Now you should know the reason for belly fat and how you can avoid it.

What Causes Belly Fat and How to Avoid that

As we have already acquired knowledge of how lower belly fat accumulates, we must learn the ways to get rid of it. The most effective way for this is to find the cause and work for the result.  Here are some main issues, avoiding which will definitely lead to better body type.

1. Unhealthy lifestyle:

Not having adequate sleep, stressing too much, consuming excessive alcohol may lead to an increase in lower belly fat and many other underlying health issues. Studies show that people who don’t drink too much alcohol and get proper sleep are more fit and have better immunity. 8 hours of peaceful sleep is required for an adult. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help us reduce belly fats.

2. Lack of physical activity:

We all do some amount of physical activity on a daily basis. But only that much work will keep us fit and give us a toned body. We must give 30 minutes to 1 hour minimum for exercise regularly. Doing cardio and strength training will ensure that we feel relaxed and build more stamina. Similarly, doing yoga every day is even effective.

3. Improper diet:

There are a lot of dos and don’ts when it comes to reducing belly fats. Protein is necessary to increase the metabolic rate in our body and maintain a ratio in muscle mass proportion. Avocados, Salmons, Olive Oil, Coconut oil etcetera are a rich source of healthy fats. Prefer soluble fiber in your diet. One must strictly avoid sugary beverages, carbs etcetera. Also, knowing what to eat and how much to eat is vital.

Therefore, we are sharing certain natural ways to lose belly fat naturally. Start on this note and continue with the methods to get the best and desired results. With these best ways to reduce belly fat, do take these home remedies to reduce weight. This will be like the cherry on top for reducing belly fat naturally.

How to Get Rid of Belly Fat Naturally

Read ahead to know how to lose belly fat naturally. If you follow these methods along with diet plan, you will certainly reach your goal of reducing belly fat.

Natural ways are not only cost-effective but also give you the best results. Make sure to adapt the natural ways to lose belly fat and practice them meticulously for the best results.

1. Diet Changes Help You to Lose Belly Fat

Food works as an important determining factor when it comes to belly fat. The diet should contain more proteins, vitamins, and saturated fats. And the most important is to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates.

Meals should have proper timing and schedule on a regular basis. You can add fresh fruits like bananas, pineapples, avocados to your diet. Fresh vegetable salads, smoothies, oatmeals can be rich storehouses of energy.

Read More: 10 Best Foods for Healthy Skin

Water is a must as it will hydrate your body and often lightens the belly fat naturally. You can have a glass of water if you feel hungry before two diets instead of having a snack. Mix some lemon and honey to make it more powerful and tasty.

Reduction in carbohydrate intake is a necessity instead of making your meals protein-rich with animal meat. Some carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, bananas can be taken at short gaps. These replenish the perfect amount of carbohydrates.

2. Regular movement

The body needs to be in movement regularly. You must walk or jog slowly on a fixed timing or both. Remember, it should be regular. The Important trick in losing belly fat is a proper diet with light movements. The movement of your body relaxes your muscles and helps you to burn out fast. It is necessary for the intake of fresh air to lead a healthy life. Get ready, wear your sports shoes and start a regular walk.

Don’t take cars or bikes for nearby shopping. I always prefer to walk whenever possible. This will save your petrol and money and also helps you in losing belly fat. If you are a 9 to 5 employee and have a sitting job, do take a small break after 1 or 2 hours.

Do take at least 10 minutes to walk after your lunch and dinner. This helps in improving the digestion. You will never face a belly fat problem if you will take a walk after your food.

3. Yoga

It has been an age-old practice for our forefathers to enhance their bodily movements and postures by yoga. Yoga helps the body to balance its metabolism. Yoga has immense ways which help to reduce belly fat and you can attain toned body fitness. Learn some basic yoga postures that you can practice on a regular basis. There are many yoga postures to lose belly fat naturally.

You can do exercise in the place of yoga if you want the better result in short intervals. This is how you can lose belly fat naturally.

Read more: What To Eat After a Workout?

Also Read, Pre-Workout Meal for Women

4. Sleep patterns

You should sleep properly for a period of 6 to 8 hours regularly. Sleep calms down your body and helps in improving digestion. Avoid oversleeping on weekends and follow your schedule of sleep on weekends too. Oversleeping increases the tendency to gain belly fat.

Avoid sleeping in the afternoon. The short afternoon naps increase and often hardens your stubborn belly fat. Therefore, if you are looking for how to reduce tummy, do consider this point.

5. Drink Lemon Water and Green Tea

Most of you love beverages. Now, to lose your belly fat, you can have herbal or green tea twice or thrice a day. Green tea is one of the effective drinks to reduce belly fat. You can add honey to sweeten the taste. Green tea is often magical in curbing away fat.

Lemon is the best ingredient to lose belly fat or any kind of fat. Take these best lemon drinks to lose belly fat naturally. If you are searching for how to get a flat belly, do take the lemon honey drink on an empty stomach.

6. Load up on Protein

Protein is known to be a toner and a slimmer food nutrient. More importantly, medical studies say that with age insulin production increases which increases the fat accumulation in the body. Hence, women should load their diets with dry fruits, meat and so on.

7. Follow a regular strict time for meals

You need to maintain a strict routine and timings for meals. It is preferable to have small quantities of food the whole day that too in gaps. Maintain controlled diets in small quantities. Like 3-4 pm is a wonderful time to have a handful of dried fruits or a granola bar which should be a protein snack to add energy.

8. Chewing Food

Better digestion is possible with proper chewing of food. Bloating or fat accumulation often happens due to less digested food. Hence to reduce fat, one should chew food properly each time.

9. Jogging

If running on the treadmill sounds tiring for you, then you can go jogging every day. Jogging is running at a slow speed. It is a form of cardio and burns calories too. So, jogging in a park or your garden is easy and a great way to lose belly fat naturally.

10. Herbs

Herbs have quite a lot of medicinal benefits. And one of them is losing belly fat. Herbs like Cinnamon and Ginger have thermogenic properties. They increase metabolism and help in fat burning.

Read More: Top 10 Health Benefits of Flaxseed

11. Drink an adequate amount of Water

Drinking an adequate amount of water will keep you hydrated. Also, water is 100% calorie-free and helps to burn calories. Drinking warm water also increases the metabolic rate.

Read more: Best and super easy detox water recipe

You can read this post of Best Home Remedies for Weight Loss and Obesity if you want to lose full body fat. Now let’s start with how to get rid of lower belly fat. But before that, we should know what causes belly fat.

Read more: Best Fruit Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Workouts to Lose Belly Fat

The gym is a commitment. You must be punctual and honest. Not just to your trainer but to yourself. Because whatever efforts you will put dedicatedly will ultimately bear fruit. The Instagram pictures of models that we admire are not an overnight result.  It demands intense labor and the utmost discipline. You may include high-intensity interval training or weight training, according to your comfort level.

Here are a few basic workouts to help you lose belly fat.

1. Sweat out on the Treadmill and Elliptical machine:

First thing first, abdominal fat can’t alone be targeted without losing the overall body fat. Running on the treadmill is considered to be the most effective way to lose fat. They burn calories and help you lose your body fat. Start with a little warm-up and zero inclination on the treadmill, while simultaneously increasing the time limit and variations. Elliptical trainers are also called cross trainers for their multi-tasking abilities. It is one amazing form of cardio where you can work on resistance and speed.

2. Do Crunches:

Crunches are one of the best belly fat burning exercises. There are varieties of crushes and of course, you must have proper planning to do them. Twist crunches, Side Crunch, Reverse crunches, Vertical leg crunch are few variations. While doing crunches, you must be slow and steady, thus avoiding any kind of injury or difficulty.

3. Rolling Planks:

Plank is one of the isometric core strength exercises. It improves balance, strengthens the core, hamstrings, abs, and back. It tones the muscles. Rolling Plank is where you lose the extra belly fat while toning your abdomen muscle. You should start with maintaining the position for 30 seconds and gradually increasing it. If you want to lose belly fat, do planks on a regular basis.

4. Bicycle exercise:

When it comes to training the abs, bicycle exercise is greatly preferred. Here you are supposed to lie on a mat and alternately bend your knees (as the moment of your knees while riding a bicycle) and take it near your chest; while keeping the hand behind the head.

Along with exercise, keeping a proper diet and drinking an adequate amount of water is important. While some people include intermittent fasting in their fat losing journeys, you must be aware of the pros and cons.

Here is the post-workout Meal for Women: What To Eat After a Workout? Do read this if you are doing a gym.

Foods That Burn Belly Fat

We require food to fuel our bodies. Choosing the right superfood can help us achieve our desired goal. We have already gone through the list of junks to eliminate from our everyday diet. Here is the list of foods that we need to include in our daily diet so to reduce lower belly fats.

1. Oats:-

Oatmeal is filled with goodness. This superfood cuts the cholesterol and the probiotics in it help the good bacteria in our system. Moreover, they are rich in fiber which helps in burning belly fat.

2. Olive Oil:-

Extra virgin olive oil is an essential ingredient in fat loss diets. They not only taste great but are filled with healthy fats. Coconut oil is also considered helpful for fat loss.

3. Nuts:-

There are innumerous benefits of nuts. Almonds, peanuts, groundnuts, walnuts, hazelnuts etcetera have monounsaturated fats in them. Monounsaturated fats reduce bad cholesterol and ensure good heart health. This fat is definitely required for our body. Also, eating nuts in moderate quantities can boost our intake of vitamins, proteins, and fiber, among others.

4. Eggs:-

While following the fat loss diet, it is always advised to eat at regular intervals. And skipping the meal is never an option. Eggs are rich in protein. Adding them to breakfast, salads or pre-workout diet can boost your energy level. Eggs are considered to help in belly fat loss.

Read More: 10 Simple and Quick Egg Recipes

5. Onions:-

Onions are rich in quercetin. Quercetin not only possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties but also increases metabolism. Onion is a superfood for belly fat reduction. It can be added to salads to spice up the flavor or you can simply drink onion juice. The list of dishes goes on.

6. Fish:-

Fishes are rich in protein. Those like Salmon and Tuna are enriched with various nutrients that stop belly fat from increasing and subsequently reduce it. The benefits these fishes are also scientifically proven.

Also Read, 30+ High Fiber Foods Items That You Should Eat for Weight Loss

I have often found people complaining about the unwanted lower belly fats they have. The concern they carry is good. But what disturbs me is seeing them so worried yet not taking any measure. To tackle a problem, we must understand what it is and then lookout for ways to solve it. The foremost thing is to know how lower belly fats are formed and why do people get it. I hope, this post helped you in finding the answers to your questions.

Losing belly fat is not an overnight process. It needs a good amount of investment of time in exercise and proper diet, along with some lifestyle changes. Now you know what causes belly fat and how to get rid of lower belly fat, do follow all this in your life. Also, do eat foods that burn belly fat. And remember to take a walk after every meal.

Pump up and get on a schedule with these motives and be regular to get the best-desired results. These steps will definitely help you to reduce your belly fat. Do not forget to share your experience with us!

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