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A Complete Guide to Get Rid of a Double Chin: Exercises and Home Remedies

how to get rid of a double chin

When you look into the mirror as you do your make-up, the double chin shows up as one lowers their face. It makes anyone conscious. There have been moments while taking that perfect selfie, one’s side profile changed as the face looks plumpy. One may feel or realize that they have put on weight, while others may just ignore it completely. There are people who hereditarily have a double chin and choose to remove it surgically. Before we go any further, let us know what double chin is and how it is formed.

Basically, a double chin is actually the submental fat layer appearing below the chin. Sometimes it may be excess skin that forms the double chin. It normally appears as a sign of weight gain or might be a genetic effect. Double chin is also caused in old age as skin loses elasticity.

The fat distribution in everybody’s body is different. Experts also have not been able to sample every individual’s genetic structures that lead to the submental fat forming. People who have a bigger frame might be prone to the double chin appearing. Double chin does not have a fatal effect on one’s health, but it surely can show the presence of unhealthy eating habits or genetic framework.

The next question which arises after this is – “What causes a double chin?”

What Causes a Double chin?

Double chin is caused by several factors. If one can understand the implication of these cases, it will be helpful to get rid of the double chin. Let’s have a look at the possible causes of a double chin.

1. Increase in body weight

Most health experts suggest weight gain may not be the primary cause of double occurrence but can be a contributing factor. It mostly depends on our diet and eating habits. Consuming processed food or junk food items that have high-calorie content leads to weight gain, hence leading to a double chin.

2. Genetics

Genetic history also plays a huge role in double chin occurrence. If you have a family history of loose skin or double chin, it is very likely you may tend to develop a double chin also.

3. Age

As one ages, the skin also loses the nutrients present inside. It often leads to loss of skin elasticity. The skin appears to be saggy. This sagging skin expands and leads to the formation of a double chin.

4. Bad Posture

Most people overlook posture as a complementary factor to the occurrence of a double chin. Bad posture often leads to the weakening of muscles present in our chin and neck. The skin around these areas loses buoyancy as the muscles are not in use. This leads to double chin formation.

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A double chin affects the confidence of a person. Many people become conscious of their appearance because of it. Many people are motivated to change their lifestyles to get rid of the double chin. Others, who have it through genetics, surgically remove it. It is expensive and often can be dangerous.

However, there are exercises one can always try at home to get rid of the double chin. Research has not substantiated its effectiveness but they do work on the muscles and help to burn up the fat around the chin area. Let’s have a look at How to Get Rid of a Double Chin by doing exercise.

Best Double chin exercises

If you are looking for how to reduce double chin, here are the best double chin exercises that you can do to reduce double chin:

1. Warm Up

To avoid muscle injury, warm-ups are important. Slow rotating movements of the neck followed by slow stretching of the jaw is a good way to go. As you stretch the jaw, remember to gently extend the jawline in different directions and hold onto the positions for a few seconds before switching to the next.

2. The Vowels

This is the complete exercise that you can do while doing anything. Just stretch your neck upward and say all the vowels with full stretching of the chin. Do this 5 times in the upward direction, 5 times in the left side direction, and 5 times in the right direction.

3. Whistle to the ceiling

This exercise helps to build up the strength of the neck muscles. To begin, one must at a comfortable position. Tilting your head a bit, look at the ceiling. Close your lips and try to whistle. You might feel a contraction. Do this exercise in a comfortable place.

4. Ball squeezing

A tool always comes in handy during an exercise routine. Place a small ball under the chin. Bring your chin down to push and squeeze the ball. Repeat the exercise at least five times.

5. Stretch your pouts

Well other than taking selfies, pouting can become useful for getting rid of the double chin. This exercise targets the muscles around the chin. Extend your pout for 15 seconds and move your chin towards the chest area by using your neck muscles.

6. Chewing gum

Gum chewing is considered to be one of the popular ways to get rid of the double chin. Chewing gum after a heavy meal reduces appetite. Additionally, it also helps in the workout of the jaw muscles. It is a contributing factor in double chin reduction.

7. Lion’s yawn

A lion’s yawn helps to stretch and extend your jaw muscles. It is a complete workout for the chin and the neck muscles too. Just remember to stick out your tongue while yawning like a lion.

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Do not expect the results to come very quickly. These exercises depend a lot on regularity and dietary habits.

If this fails, researchers have also suggested some homemade remedies to reduce the double chin. Some of these recipes have proven to show effects. Here are the top 10 home remedies to reduce the double chin:

Home Remedies to Reduce a Double Chin

Here is the list of home remedies that can solve your query “How to Get Rid of a Double Chin”.

1. Wheat germ oil

Take a little bit of germ oil and apply it to your jaw. Massage and leave it for the night. Doing it twice a week would help to tighten the skin around the chin and the jaw as wheat germ oil contains vitamin e which nourishes the skin and tightens it.

2. Egg white

Egg whites have the property to tighten skin and reduce pores. Apply a mixture of egg whites, milk, and honey on the jaw and neck area. Leave it for 30 minutes and wash it off.

3. Massage

Massage helps in the relaxation of the sore muscles near the neck. It also improves blood circulation. It is a great way to remove the submental fat on the chin.

4. Green tea

Green tea is the best way to reduce body fat and increase metabolism. Intake of green tea with lemon and honey on an empty stomach. Green tea contains antioxidants that reduce body fat.

5. Olive oil

Olive oil has vitamin E and antioxidants that nourish the skin and tighten it. It also helps in weight loss. Massage your skin with olive oil or add it to your diet. Both help in weight reduction and double chin reduction.

6. Oil pulling

Swishing your mouth with coconut oil and warm water helps to improve oral health and also keeps your jaw muscles working. It reduces weight and also gets rid of the double chin.

Read more, Oiling Pulling– A Complete Guide

7. Vitamin E oil

Vitamin E oil has anti-oxidants and is a skin tightening agent. It also helps to reduce weight and protects the skin from damage. Oil from Vitamin E tablets is a good way to reduce the double chin.

8. Gum chewing

Chewing gum surely is a long and effective way to reduce double chin. It eliminates the fat deposits on the face and neck area by working on these muscles. Prefer gum with no or less sugar.

9. Melons

Melons prevent the skin from sagging. It has ant oxidants to protect and hydrate the skin. Dab a paste of blended melons and apply it on your neck and jaw areas and wash it after 30 minutes.

10. Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter has excellent properties to increase skin elasticity and keep it hydrated. Massage your jaw and neck with warm cocoa butter and leave it for the night. Do this daily to see effective results.

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Double chin reduction has a huge list of factors. One should consider exercising and improving lifestyle changes. Genetics also matter. There is nothing to be ashamed about having a double chin. All these tips help to tighten the skin around the jaw and out the muscles in use.

To ensure skin tightening DIY masks made of egg whites, olive oil, green tea is very useful. There are face slimming masks available that help conceal double chin. Keeping yourself hydrated and eating the right kind of food is the first step to getting rid of a double chin and preventing its recurrence.

Answers to FAQ :

How can I lose my double chin fast?

Extra fat under the chin makes face look fat. You can follow double chin exercises and some home remedies to reduce the double chin fast. The Vowels and Loin’s Yawn are the best double chin exercises that you can follow.

What are the causes of a double chin?

Age, excess fat, bad posture, and genetics are the main reasons that causes double chin.

How can I slim my face in a week?

There are many ways that involves diet and double chin exercises that helps in slimming the face in a week. You just have to follow the routine regularly. Eating healthy food and doing face exercises like Vowels, lion’s yawn, wshiling and eating chewing gum regularly can help in reducing the double chin in a week.

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