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How to Cure Chicken Pox at Home?

How to cure Chicken Pox at home

Chickenpox is a contagious disease which is caused by the varciella-zoster virus. Mostly this virus attacks the children of the age group of 4-10. But it can also affect the adults who never had chicken pox and are not immune to it.

Itchy skin and blister-like rashes are the most common symptoms of Chickenpox. In this Blog, I am going to tell you some home remedies to cure Chicken Pox and some techniques to cure marks and scars caused by Chicken Pox.

Symptoms of chicken pox:


In order to know about how to cure Chicken Pox at home, read this post. This post may help you in reducing the effect of Chicken Pox on your body.

Home Remedies for Chicken Pox

As chickenpox is highly contagious, we advise people to stay home in a closed room for the period of 10-21 days. This will help the patient to recover without any other infection and also help in avoiding the Chicken Pox to spread nearby.

The people suffer from Chicken Pox recover within 1-2 weeks automatically but this disease makes them very weak.

Here, in this post, we are writing about the home remedies that can help you with the irritation or itching and may also help in curing the Chicken Pox as soon as Possible. These are the best home remedies for chicken pox.

1. Oatmeal Bath

Oatmeal has skin soothing properties. It can cure any kind of skin irritation or itching. This will not cure the Chicken Pox but helps in reducing the irritation and itching.

You have to add uncooked oatmeal in Luke warm water and take a bath in it. It will prevent itching and irritation.

2. Drink coconut water

Drinking coconut water can help you provide essential nutrients and minerals to the body. This will help in keeping the body cool and help in reducing your spots faster.

3. Apply Neem oil and Jojoba oil

Indians are using neem as an anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-pain relieving for more than 1000 years. The Indian physicians CHARAKA (2nd century AD) and SUSRUTA (4th century AD) mentioned about the neem as a natural treatment in their books.

Add a half ounce of neem oil to 8 ounces of jojoba oil and put this mixture in a bottle and apply it on your skin. Use it three times a day to see the results.

Neem contains quercetin and carotenoids which are beneficial for overall skin health. Make sure to dilute the neem oil first before use as it is very strong.

4. Using Lavender oil

This oil contains a lot many active ingredients which can help in reducing swelling, itching, irritation, and rashes on the skin during chicken pox. You can mix lavender oil with neem oil and jojoba oil as well.

Lavender oil contains chemicals like linalool and linalyl acetate which are known for their skin healing capabilities.

5. Anti-viral herbs

During chicken pox the immunity of the body becomes weak. So, as to boost the immune system of the body we can take anti-viral herbs and supplements to boost the internal fighting mechanism of the body.

Garlic, Vitamin-C, Calendula, Elderberry etc are some herbs and supplements which can boost the immunity.

6. Don’t scratch itchy skin

Scratching a chicken pox rash or touching it often can make it worse, it can lead to infection or it will lead to more scabbing and itching. It is better to leave the rash as it is. If the itching is uncontrollable than apply some Lacto Calamine skin lotion over it.

7. Stay Hydrated

If you feel feverish, nausea or vomiting than check out the water content you are taking. You might be dehydrated and if you are dealing with vomiting or having less appetite than you should increase the intake of water content. Drink as much as you can. Have fruits which are hydrating in nature, they will give you enough water content and will make u feel full in case you are not eating much.

8. Apply Raw Honey

Honey helps in reducing the inflammation and rashes caused by chicken pox. Applying raw honey can also reduce the risk of scarring. Apply raw and fresh honey on the infected area and allow it to dry, make sure you are taking fresh and raw honey only. It should not be processed or subjected to high temperature as its active ingredients will not survive.

9. Avoid Spicy Foods

Spicy foods can make the blisters feel worse. So, include yogurt, pudding, ice creams and cottage cheese in your meal to keep body soothing and avoid all kind of spicy food.

10. Boost your Immune System

The Chicken Pox badly affects the immune system of the body. So, boosting your immune system is the must-have process during Chicken Pox. Including Vitamin C in your diet is the best way to boost the immune system. Try to include oranges, grapefruits, kiwis, strawberries, papaya, broccoli, spinach, and kale in your diet.

Read More, Ways to increase your glutathione levels naturally

So, This is how you can cure the chicken pox at home. These are some best ways that can help in reducing the itchiness and irritation caused by this contagious infection.

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