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Clove Oil – Benefits, Uses, and Side Effects

Benefits of clove oil

Clove is an important ingredient that you can easily find in Indian Kitchens. You can use it in various forms such as a whole clove, powdered clove, or clove oil. Clove oil is extracted from the dried clove buds. Although, clove oil can be extracted from stems and leaves clove buds are the rich source of concentrated clove oil.

Clove oil has many applications in our daily life. Today, we will talk about some of its many applications, how to use it, possible risks, side effects, and much more.

Let’s start 

Benefits of clove oil

Benefits or applications of using clove oil in our daily life

Antimicrobial activity –

Clove is capable to kill staph bacteria cells in biofilm or liquid culture. Most of the antibiotics aren’t capable of penetrating the biofilm or killing the staph bacteria.

Dentistry –

Clove oil is effective in preventing dental erosions caused by acidic beverages. It works similarly to fluoride in preventing cavities. It is one of the best natural pain relievers in dentistry.

Skin problems –

Clove oil is effective in curing skin itching. Clove oil can significantly relieve any kind of itching caused by various reasons. Anal fissures can be effectively treated by clove oil cream with stool softeners and lignocaine cream. 

Anti-cancer –

Clove oil is toxic for cancer cells. According to many types of research, human breast cancer cells were tested in a test tube in which clove oil in a certain amount was found to stop the growth of cancer cells. This is not limited to breast cancer but the growth of cervical and colon cancer cells was also stopped by clove oil. It also increased the rate of cell death and disrupted the cell growth process in a colon cancer cell line.

How can we use clove oil?

Clove oil can have many applications in our daily life. Following are how we can use clove oil:-

1) Clove oil Spray 

You can make a clove oil spray to use as a mild disinfectant. It has antimicrobial and antifungal properties; you can also use a clove oil spray to add a spicy scent to your room. To prepare clove oil spray:-

Now, you can use it as per your requirement.

2) Topical solution

Clove oil can be used as a topical solution that can help in relieving pain, wound healing, and curing itching.

You can also add dilute clove oil in an unscented product such as body lotion or facial cream.

3) Dental

Clove oil is very effective in relieving toothache and gum problems.  You can mix clove oil with any carrier oil to dilute it. Then soak a cotton ball in the oil mixture and place it on the affected area. By repeating the procedure, you can get rid of toothaches.

Let’s discuss that how clove oil can be useful in curing toothaches.

Clove oil for toothache

Toothaches are very irritating; they are painful and leave you in an agitated or frustrated mood. Honestly speaking, Toothaches don’t let you focus on your work and it is very inconvenient to get immediate medical attention. But, clove oil can help you in treating this toothache

Since ancient times, clove oil is being used by human beings as a pain reliever. Clove contains an active ingredient that numbs the skin in contact that provides temporary relief. We can use clove oil instead of ground cloves to cure toothaches. 

Also, read Best Homemade Mouthwash for Fresh Breath and Healthy Gums | DIY Mouthwash

How to use Clove Oil for Toothache

Let’s see how we can use clove oil in the treatment of toothache

Materials required – Clove oil, cotton swabs, a carrier oil such as almond oil, coconut oil, or olive oil, a dish

That apart, you can swirl the mixture of coconut oil and clove oil in the affected area or you can make a paste by grinding the clove and mixing it with any carrier oil.

Clove contains an active ingredient known as eugenol. This ingredient is a natural anesthetic, antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. 

According to studies, eugenol is very effective in reducing inflammation, pain, or bacterial infection than any other type of analgesic. Clove is a magical ingredient that is known for fighting against many oral infections. Medicines that contain eugenol are widely used in dentistry. Also, it can reduce the pain caused due to needle insertion in dentistry. 

You can buy clove oil online from here

Side effects, Precautions, and warnings 

Clove oil should be used carefully otherwise it may lead to some complications. If you have sensitive skin then clove oil may lead to skin irritation as well. You should first test a drop of clove oil to the inside of the elbow. If you feel any irritation or redness then you should avoid using clove oil topically.

In some rare cases, Clove oil may develop allergies as well. Anaphylaxis is an allergy that can be caused by clove oil and its components. It is a life-threatening allergic reaction. Following are the symptoms of this allergy:-

You should also avoid the use of clove oil in any form if-

Read More, Amazing Benefits of Essential Oils

We at OG always recommend you take advice from your family doctor or any physician. When it comes to health, it is always better to consult a health expert before doing self-medication. We hope you liked the article, Stay tuned for more!

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