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12 Best Fruits for Weight Loss

Isn’t it tough to manage our daily weight gain? Well, yes. Though it’s tough, we still want to achieve and maintain a healthy weight and perfect figure. The food that we intake these days leads us to become unhealthy and put on kilos. People want to lose their weight as quickly as possible for which people try different methods like gymming, yoga, GM Diet, etc. But It does not matter if you go to a gym or not, consuming fruits on a regular basis is a must.

We cannot deny the benefits of fruits for maintaining our health. When it comes to weight loss, one must always include fruits in their diet. Fruits are not only beneficial for losing weight but also in making our skin flawless.

You can take some brilliant home remedies to lose weight quickly with the proper diet. We have combed through the listings to give you some of the best fruits that will aid in the weight loss process. In today’s world where health is not always wealth, this article will serve you some sides you will need to bear in mind for a healthy lifestyle. We shared a list of fruits good for weight loss in this article.

Tabe of Content:

  • List of Fruits for weight loss
  • Quick tips for a fruit diet
  • Only fruit diet chart for 5 Days
  • Fruit and Vegetable Diet Plan for 3 days

Healthy Fruits for Weight Loss

A fruit diet can be continued for 2 weeks to even 2 months, depending on the result you need. We have shared a fruit for weight loss and fruit diet plan that you can follow to lose weight super quickly.

In this article, we also discuss the best fruits for weight loss. You can take these fruits with a regular diet. But a fruit diet is a bit different from a regular diet and one can only eat fruits while following it. Take a look below to get the list of some fruits and their benefits. Along with these fruits, you can also take Vegetable Soups for Weight Loss.

Here is the Rebel Wilson’s Weight Loss Secret: Diet and Exercise. You can follow this to lose weight.

1. Avocado

This fruit is a strong element of weight loss. Avocado is enriched with omega 9 fatty acids and is a great way to lose weight. This fruit speeds up the metabolism in our body to burn the fat and boost the energy in our system. Apart from speeding up the weight loss process, you will also get various other health benefits from it. So, have an Avocado on a regular basis as one of a salad item at the time of lunch. You can also try different avocado dishes like avocado smoothies, avocado sandwiches, avocado pickles, etc. It will surely help you in getting that exact figure you want with fitness.

2. Lemon

When it comes to weight loss, You can never find a combination better than that of lemon and honey. This duo fantastically helps you to lose weight and also manage your weight very well. Lemon has strong elements called riboflavin in heavy amounts with vitamin B, minerals like phosphorus, and magnesium. Drink a concoction of lemon and honey every morning on empty stomach and there’s no other best way to start your day with an extreme detoxify. Many other ways of adding lemon to your diet like lemonade, soup, salads, etc.

Lemon is one of the best fruits for weight loss. Here are the 5 best ways to use lemon for weight loss.

3. Watermelon

Watermelon requires a special mention when it comes to reducing body fat. Maximum calories which you can extract from this fruit is by having its juice. Here is a piece of very important knowledge about this fruit that 1 glass of juice equals almost 50 calories. It is rich in vitamins A, B, and C. It is full of plant chemicals, lycopene which will protect you from heart diseases and cancer too. You can have it after lunch as a healthy fruit.

4. Apple

Apples are one of the best fruit bunched with fibers. It is proved by scientific studies that these fibers help in reducing visceral fat. Wake Forest Baptist Medical Centre proves very recently that 10-gram soluble fiber consumption per day will reduce visceral fat by 3.7% over five years. At the same time, increased moderate activity resulted in a 7.4% decrease in the rate of visceral fat accumulation. You can have this before lunch or after the activity session.

Read More: Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for weight loss

5. Red Grapefruit

A study conclusion revealed in a journal that metabolism found by having a grapefruit before lunch may cause a reduction in belly fat and lower cholesterol levels. Researchers who ate grapefruit with every meal saw their waists shrink by an inch. This fruit has in itself full of phytochemicals and vitamin C. Having half of a grapefruit before your breakfast and slicing a few segments as a starter salad will do the work. So, it is one of the best fruits for weight loss.

6. Berries

Berries can be of various kind- Blueberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, Cranberries, Blackberries, Mulberries. All are packed with polyphenols, natural chemicals which it helps to reduce weight and even stop from forming fat. You can have berries whenever you want.

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7. Banana

This fruit is best in taking the green and raw state as it remains more soluble starch. Having one banana instead of breakfast will give you a feeling of a full stomach and drink a little water after that can anticipate any cravings. It will provide you with the requisite energy which your body needs to burn fats more quickly.

8. Orange

In every diet bowls, this fruit needs to be there as nutrient-dense and low-calorie fruit. Oranges are considered a negative calorie fruit. It provides us only 47 calories per 100 grams. As it has low calories and doesn’t require any extra effort for burning. Therefore, it is considered as the best fruit for weight loss.

9. Guava

Guavas contain a high amount of fiber and are a rich source of energy. They contain a minimum amount of glycemic index and they additionally help in preventing constipation. As guava helps in accelerating the metabolism rate which helps in fast weight loss. The best way to have it is in its raw form with a pinch of black salt.

10. Peach

Another fruit that is beneficial when it comes to weight loss is peach. It contains a high amount of water and around 89% of the fruit constitutes only of water. Apart from this, it is also rich in fiber thus helps in reducing hunger.

11. Papaya:

Papaya is a rich source of minerals and fibers and it also has high nutritional value. It is great for our skin also. Papaya is best for weight loss because of its low-calorie count and high fiber. It helps in staying full longer. 

12. Mangoes:

Mangoes are very popular and have antioxidant qualities. It is high in fiber and has 0.6 calories per gram which make it very-low-density fruit. 

Some quick tips for a fruit diet:

When you are starting with the fruit diet make sure that you eat as many fruits as possible as the first few days will be the toughest. It may be easy to imagine, but quite tough when it comes to reality. Even if you get tempted to eat anything other than fruits, try and control your temptation and do not consume anything but fruits.

Start your day with fruits having high calories for example bananas, grapes, or mangoes. Starting your day with these fruits will boost your metabolism and will give you more energy. On days when you don’t have much work to do, cut the number of fruits that you consume.

If you feel difficulty in the Only fruit diet plan, you can try mixing vegetables soup, High Fiber foods, healthy food, and some dry fruit with fruits for a weight loss diet.

Daily Fruit Diet Chart for 5 Days

Here is the plan for a fruit diet for weight loss. Follow this daily fruit diet plan for 5 days and see the difference. 

Breakfast at 8 AM:

Eat 2 ripe bananas on days 1 and 2. Have mangoes on day 3 and grapes on day 4. On day 5 again have mangoes. You can take milk or coconut water with your breakfast.

11 AM (Snacks):

Have half an apple on the first day and from the second day onwards you can have oranges as well with an apple.

Lunch at 2 PM:

For lunch on the first day have half an apple and one Avacado. Have an orange or watermelon on the 2nd and 3rd day. For the 4th day have a mango. You can have a banana on day 5. 


You can take fruits Salad and cucumber-carrot salad on alternate days.

Snack at 5 PM:

Berries on day 1, 1 guava on day 2 and 3, 1 banana on day 4, and grapes on day 5.

Dinner at 8 PM:

Have a watermelon on day 1, one papaya on day 2, carrots and Cucumber on day 3, and pineapple on day 4 and 5.

Also, Read Delicious Vegetable Soups for Weight Loss

Some days you can also alter the fruits as per your likings. You can add fruits like strawberries, kiwi, etc. You can also have coconut water as a drink. So, this is the best fruit diet plan for weight loss.

There is no hard and fast rule on the choice of fruits, you can have anything that you like just make sure that you consume less high-calorie fruits like bananas. Whenever you feel low you can always have a glass of lemon juice and saltwater. It will curb your appetite, as well as lemon, will do its work by flushing out toxins and adding to your weight loss.

The fruit diet is very effective when it comes to fast weight loss but with benefits comes to some disadvantages as well. You may feel a little less energetic. The suggestion here is not to starve and have enough sleep. You can also take some home remedies for weight loss along with this fruit diet plan for weight loss.

If you are finding difficulty in only fruit diet plan, you can take the below diet chart which has fruits, vegetables, and a few grains:

Fruit and Vegetable diet plan

The fruit-only diet is very difficult to manage. You will lose weight very quickly with a fruit-only diet but feel low energy and weakness. So, we suggest you choose the Fruit and Vegetable Diet plan Instead of this. This will make your tummy full, give energy, and will help you in shredding some extra pounds. Do remember to do some physical work along with this Fruit and Vegetable diet plan.

this is Fruit and Vegetable diet plan for three days. You can continue this for up to 5-7 days. You can also take this diet by taking a break for few days. Follow this diet for 3 to 5 days then take a break of 2 days and then follow this diet.

Read More, Follow This Low Carb Diet Plan for Weight Loss in 2 Weeks

I would like to conclude by saying that only eating healthy and being on a fruit diet will help, if you do some regular exercise and lead an active life. Try to practice exercise or yoga regularly, or just have a walk and you will notice that you have successfully lost weight.

These are the best fruits for weight loss which can help you to stop gaining fat and to lose your body weight. These all are easily available in the market and have in themselves their own metabolism and chemical elements which are proven in different scientific agencies.

Read More: Delicious Ways to Eat Vegetables

I hope this article will help you in maintaining a balanced weight and leading a healthy lifestyle. We would love to hear from you, your own experience with the fruit diet plan for weight loss.

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Stay Healthy!! Stay Focused!!

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